Using a chart like the one below, define each of the words related to issues in civics and give one example (made up or factual) of an issue related to the definition. TERM | DEFINITION | EXAMPLE | Community | the peoplewith common interests living in the same area | The DMCI community | Common Good | The good or well-being of an entity such as a company or an association. The concept is that the good of the entire group can be no more than the good of each particular component. | Property Rights | Social trade-off | A technique of reducing or forgoing one or more desirable outcomes in exchange for increasing or obtaining other desirable outcomes in order to maximize the total return or effectiveness under given circumstances. | Work for two years and earn money or pay money to get an advanced degree | Bylaw | A law made by a local government that people in that area must obey | | Citizenship | The legal right of belonging to a particular country | The Canadian Citizenship | Citizen | Someone who legally belongs to a particular country and has rights and responsibilities there, whether they are living there or not | The Canadian citizens | Civics | Civics is the social science of the duties and rights of a citizen | Voting | Culture | The beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society | The Chinese traditional culture | Artifacts | 1. An object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest: "gold and silver artifacts". | Totems, Clay pots, beads, scrolls, etc. | Rule of law | That individuals, persons and government shall submit to, obey and be regulated by law, and not arbitrary action by an individual or a group of individuals. | The near impeachments of US presidents, the highest executive in America is still subject to justice. | Learning Skills | the acquisition of