Legal Terms
1. Settlements
a. A settlement is an agreement that both parties have come to decide on without the need of going through court litigation
b. In this movie, before the case was introduced introduced into court and defendants came up with a 2 million dollar settlement.
2. Lawsuit
a. a lawsuit is a court process at law or in equity to determine the legal merits of a controversy.
b. In this movie Schlictman tries to sue a leather company for the wrongful death of three children resulting from their pollution of city war.
3. Plaintiff
a. In trial, the person trying to recover money damages or other forms of relief from the defendant
b. In this movie the leather company served as the defendant.
4. Objection
a. A formal attestation or declaration of disapproval concerning a specific point of law or procedure during the course of trial.
b. In this movie the defendant’s lawyer was accused of saying “objection” just to disrupt Mr. Schlictman’s rhythm of the case. 5. Deliberation
a. The jury’s review, discussion, and weighing of evidence presented at a trial
b. The jury was given time to deliberate whether or not Mr. Schlictman’s case against the two companies should continue.
6. Verdict
a. The expressed decision of the jury on questions of fact submitted to it for determination, based on evidence presented during trial.
b. The jury’s verdict was guilty for one of the companies and not guilty for another. It affectively ended Mr. Schlictman’s case against one of them but allowed him to continue to prosecute the other. 7. Appeal
a. Formal request to a higher court to review and action of a lower court.
b. After coming upon some new information, Schlictman filed a an appeal to reopen the case.
8. Indictment
a. An accusation of felony filed by a grand jury.
b. After Schlictman’s appeal was filed, the Supreme Court indicted both companies of federal charges for polluting a communities water