"The Declaration of Independence has always represented a “declaration of intent rather than of reality,” the unfulfilled quest for equality will test the nation's best efforts for generations to come"
Generally, it made clear how much pain and suffering the African-American community has endured. Some laws that were passed helped with institutional racism. Racism, prejudice, hate became less acceptable in mainstream society. However, there is still much racism in the USA. Racism is experienced by many groups, especially African-Americans. Latinos, Asian Americans, and other groups, also suffer. Gay people suffer.
The change in the laws affecting all these groups has helped, but the greatest racism is often done in a hidden way by employers and landlords. In society, there is still much segregation. But, the civil rights movement was enormously successful in pointing to the wrongs of society. The non-violent protests of Martin Luther King and many others showed just how horrible and selfish the white community could be.
Many African Americans suffered or were hurt or killed. It makes me sad to think that there is still so much hatred. There are so many selfish people in the world who reject others who are not like themselves. How selfish it is of anyone to expect that others should be like themselves. It is the differences in all of us that make the world a wonderful place. Let us live in peace. The civil rights leaders in these 2 decades made America WAKE UP to the horrors.
I believe it causes awareness that