In total there are fifteen laws that count towards the topic of civil rights in the United States, alone. Kenji Yoshino, author of “The New Civil Rights” says that in order for us to turn our current beliefs into a set of ‘new’ civil rights, law must play a role. Obvious enough, law alone cannot bring about a new set of civil rights. There are more than enough pieces that could make up this puzzle. For instance, media plays a huge role in this situation. The media only shows what they want us, the people, to see. If we only see what they want us to see then wouldn’t that leave us very narrow-minded? The media adds irrelevant detail to every situation. For example, a person’s race, which otherwise makes no difference, could be the topic of discussion while a news crew covers a crime. Another component to solving this dilemma is spreading word of a new set of civil rights to the next generation starting at a young age. If adults with young children start to tell their kids what is right and what is wrong, from a civil rights perspective, from a young age, they will go their whole life knowing these ‘new’ civil rights.
If we, the people were to put an exclusive focus on laws and how they affect civil rights it would be detrimental to the new civil rights. We would be relying too much on the government to make our decisions. “It is only when we leave the law that civil rights suddenly stops being about particular groups and starts to become a project of human flourishing in which we all have a stake (Yoshino 488).” Also, what the government thinks is right is not always what we think is right. In essence, if the government puts all the pieces to the puzzle together we may end up with major setbacks and no advancements in civil rights.
Conversation is voicing our opinions weighing in on different topics. In this case, the topic is new civil rights. As previously stated, laws are not the only things that can guarantee