Although there are forms of violent demonstrations that are Constitutional, such as flag burning, and acknowledging that it is a protected liberty, they can still easily escalate and become disorderly. An argument for riotous protests can include that they establish dominance and show strength. Even if that is true, marching down a street chanting a statement is much safer than trying to fire a gun and dodge bullets. Another argument might state that using force is the only way to get recognized by the media. This can be refuted with the recent events regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline protests that resulted in the halt and relocation of the project. This outcome was made possible because of the peaceful activists who chose to show their disagreement without the use of violence. The attempt to show force is a vehement and zealous mix of disaster, guaranteed to end in …show more content…
Colin Kaepernick chose this method of protesting because he knew it would cause a reaction on both sides of the argument, not because he is un-American or hates the troops. Therefore, the dispute over unpatriotism can be rendered a moot point. In addition, the idea that peaceful protesting is ineffective can be argued against with one name: Martin Luther King, Jr. His instillment of civil disobedience is one that can not be understated. In his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”, he stated that he understood if violence was needed to get a point across, but it should never be the first choice. Boycotts, sit-ins, and marches became a defining symbol for MLK, and since they were not violent, any argument against this protesting was unconstitutional by the right to assemble in the First Amendment. Rosa Parks is another example of when methods of non-violence sparked a movement, all resulting from her refusing to give up her seat on the bus. Malcolm X and Huey Newton would disagree with peacefully protesting, but their methods that encouraged physical violence should have been a last resort. The only tactic that should be exercised is civil disobedience; the art of respectfully