
Civil War Reshaped US Foreign Policy

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Civil War Reshaped US Foreign Policy
The hunt for economical and political power reshaped the U.S. foreign policy. The Civil War was fought on the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for anyone. These same principles were put into play when America liberated Cuba in the Spanish-American War. Unfortunately for Cuba, America ended up conquering Cuba and restricting them of the principles that the United States liberated them for. Therefore, the need to be an imperialistic country reshaped the ways of the U.S. foreign policy. The Spanish-American War was relatively short and easy war. The United States had hoped to help the rebels gain independence from their Spanish rulers. Fortunately, for the Cubans, the United States’ aide was put into good use and the …show more content…
The Filipinos were fighting on two fronts, the Spanish, whom the Filipinos were trying to gain their independence from, and the United States, who saw a cheap opportunity to conquer yet another state. The Filipinos eventually won their independence from the Spanish, but not from America. A series of attacks were hailed on American troops, Americas response was drastic. They sent over 126,000 troops, about 30,000 more troops sent to the Battle of Gettysburg. America fought themselves with 90,000 troops, but when we see a weak, foreign country we expend over 125,000 …show more content…
The Platt Amendment bound Cuba to the United States and forced it to have limited relations, just as the Monroe Doctrine stated for us to do. The Rebellion in the Philippines was put down and showed America’s military prowess. The Roosevelt Corollary was there to seal the deal. America named itself as the “police” without any input or objections by the countries it was enforcing. America paying off those countries debts financial bound them to America. These three things showed that the United States acted as the “big brother”. America defended off enemies that wanted to bother the country, but also “picked on” that country and threatened it with its muscles. Even though acting as this “big brother” was highly opposed, it worked. America got power and fear in weaker countries, but with that power and fear it caused them to lose some of the beliefs the Founding Fathers gave. All in all, it reshaped the way America functioned and its foreign

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