A savage place is generally regarded as one that simply not advanced, with people who do not have exceptional manners. When one hears the words savage socitey they generally think of a rugged place, with no modern buildings or amenities. It is immediately evident to the reader that the English society in Brave New World is classified as a civilized society according to the above definition; However, the society depicted is not one which most readers would voluntarily choose to be a part of. Who’s to say that it is impossible for a society to be both civilized and savage? It is important to keep in mind the perspective of the person or society making a judgement on the society of the Brave New World. It is also important to understand how it is possible that a person from modern society would not want to live a civilized place such …show more content…
By the Bokanovsky Process it is possible that a vast number of people can grow up to have exactly identical features and characteristics. Between the conditioning and the Bokanovsky Process they are never given the chance to think their own thoughts, and if they ever happen to be caught thinking their own thoughts they are threatened with being sent away from the society to a harshly uninviting place, such as Iceland. Because the people are conditioned and then expected to have the same beliefs, they are expected to not believe anything that the controller does not want them to think. This makes the society that is supposed to be a place of acceptance, with everybody belonging to everybody, a place of isolation. As soon as it is believed to be that someone is not in agreement with everything the controller wants the people to think, the person who believes otherwise more or less begins to be isolated. This occurred when people began to have an odd sense of Bernard Marx. Many girls tended to stay away from him, and Lenina was given questioning looks when she publicly announced their date. The threat of isolation occurred to Bernard Marx multiple times during the novel, most notably at the end of the story when John, Helmholtz Watson, and he were brought in to Mustapha Mond’s office and questioned by him. This questioning was brought on by John’s fruitless attempt to end the hospital’s