Each society had its own way of express happiness and stability that is what made them opposite. Happiness in Brave New world is simply enjoying what you were predestined to do and take soma to feel happiness in a dissimilar way. Happiness is lost in Brave New World when Bernard begins to disengage from his society and question the social order. Happiness in …show more content…
Changes occur when the people of Pleasantville want to try new things out of the ordinary. In Brave New World change transpires when the citizens of the higher caste distinguish how their society happiness and stability is false. Brave New World's society begins to change when the alpha class begins to realize that they are too smart for the society they live in. In Pleasantville, citizens of the society began to loose happiness and stability when color evolves. The color begins to occur when something out of the ordinary is accomplished.
In the two utopias that we learned about, the major concern was the steadiness of happiness and stability. When the citizens of the society once realized that their life they have been living was no longer what they had come to expect. When Bernard of Brave New world begins to realize that he is to smart for his society he is given the right to leave and is no longer is accepted back. Bernard is evicted from his society because he is jeopardizing the fake society led by Mustapha