Pleasantville is a film made in 1998, directed and written by Gary Ross, two teenagers David and Jenifer find themselves in a 50’s television show called Pleasantville. The main character David and Jenifer get teleported into their TV screen and now have to play the part as Bud and Mary-sue.
Fantasy and reality
Fantasy and reality are two major aspects in the film. Pleasantville is a perfect society where there is no crime, no fires and women stay at home cooking and cleaning. Everyone is polite and happy everything is perfect. When David and Jenifer are teleported to Pleasantville and are forced to play the part of Bud and Mary-sue the whole routine/script goes out of whack. We see David’s fantasy at the start were the director has used a close up shot of David talking to the girl of his dreams. As the camera zooms out, it becomes obvious that he was imagining talking to her the director uses this to portray David’s character. From this we see that he is a loner and is socially awkward. To David this perfect world is his reality. David knows everything about Pleasantville all the characters the script everything there is to know. It almost seems to be a religion to him. For Jenifer this is only a fantasy and she doesn’t like it she wants to bring her reality to this fantasy world.
Change is commonly seen throughout the film and is represented in many ways. We not only see change in the characters but in the environment around them. The first sign of change we see is the red rose that bud sees after his date with Mary-sue the director uses this to show the audience that everything is about to change. The director also use costumes to show the change in Pleasantville, teenagers in Pleasantville start to wear more modern clothing that are bright and colorful. The director also introduces rain and fire to Pleasantville, which are all new experiences for people in Pleasantville. When the director introduces rain
The main characters in