II. Step 1: Figure Out What Really Matters in Life 1. Spending introspective time thinking about my life is the first step to achieving a balanced life. 2. "I use an exercise for figuring out what matters most," Laura Berman Fortgang (a personal coach) tells WebMD. She has her clients take a couple days off from work to contemplate the following series of questions: 1. If my life could focus on one thing and one thing only, what would that be? 2. If I could add a second thing, what would that be?” and so on. (WebMD) 3. After the list is compiled, then the plan is to departmentalize my life. 4. When I'm at home with the family, I will focus and concern myself with them. 5. However, when I'm working on Penn Foster, I will only be thinking about learning and completing assignments. 6. This will help me to spend quality time in the areas that are most important.
III. Step 2: Figure Out “Musts” vs “Shoulds” 1. The next step will be to figure out the difference between “Musts” vs “Shoulds.” 2. “We always manage to find time for those things that we decide we must do and its the things we think we should do that get left by the way side.” (Caroline) 3. To do this, I need to take my list from Step 1 and decide which activities on the list must I do. 4. Then, I need to take activities that I would like to do and put them in the should category. 5. While I do this, I need to be careful not to put too many commitments into the must column. 6. The reason is to not overwhelm
Cited: "Easy Steps to Work-Life Balance | Grants For Women in Business | Loans and Credit for Women Business Owners | Grants For Small Business." Grants For Women in Business | Loans and Credit for Women Business Owners | Grants For Small Business. 24 Mar. 2009 . discover, you may. "5 Tips for Better Work-Life Balance." WebMD - Better information. Better health.. 24 Mar. 2009 . way, the, and I wouldn&. "How to Find the Right Work-Life Balance: 6 Steps | Caroline Middlebrook." Caroline Middlebrook. 24 Mar. 2009 .