1. I chose the scenario where I simulate a 78 year old woman in good health returning from a cruise. I wrap my knees with ace bandages and then put on gardening gloves. I fill two grocery bags from my cupboard and carry them to my car and back. I walk up a flight of stairs and then unpack the bags and return them to their place on the shelf.
2. My knees felt stiff, it was hard to bend them. The ace bandage started pinching when I bent my leg too much. This made it much harder to get up the stairs. I cringed when I heard someone come behind me. I was holding the rail with one hand and the bag was in the way on the other side. I could tell they wanted by. I moved over to the side to let them pass. They asked me what was wrong and I explained.
3. I felt embarrassed with people seeing me do this. I also felt frustrated that it was as hard as it was. I already hate living on the second floor and having to go back and forth to the car. I often will leave things in the car instead of going back for them and I have no physical impairments.
4. Going through this experience makes me think about all of the daily things we do that we take for granted. I understand …show more content…
A nurses attitude has an impact on patient care, be it positive or negative. If the nurse believes the negative stereotype about old people, she will perpetuate that view to her patient's even if it is just subconsciously. Agism, can predispose the aging to believe the stereotypical view that old age is a time of purposelessness and decline (Eliopoulos, 2014, p36). I believe as nurses it is our duty to educate the aging patient's that the stereotype is not the way it has to be. This education needs to start early. This could be done by replacing drug ads and anatomy posters in doctors offices. Nurses could give patient's brochures and encourage them to participate in community activities to promote physical and mental health. Nurses need to be advocates for their patient's in all stages of