WELCOME Pg. 2 1. No I have never completed a formal time management training course in the past. 2. Yes I do have a plan for scheduling the 10-15 hours per week I will need to engage in learning activities. 3. I think that I am somewhat effective at managing my time. 4. Thinking about the last 30 days, most days I experienced anxiety or stress due to not having enough time to get everything done.
I watched the welcome video.
Introduction: pg. 3 1. This workshop will teach you 5 skills: Choosing, Arranging, Flexicuting, Tracking and
Focus. Which skill are you most interested in learning and why?
I am most interested in learning the skill of flexicuting. Being able to use the skill of flexicuting will help me with the multiple roles of mother, teacher, wife, friend, etc. on an everyday basis. I often need a plan b and to be ready for the unexpected because I never know what I will deal with on a day to day basis.
2. What time management tools do you currently use?
I do not currently use a time management tool. I honestly just complete task until my time runs out.
3. Yes I consider myself a multi-tasker. 4. No. I do not start each day with an action list or a to-do list.
Track your Time pg. 4
I tracked my investment of time for two days on the time tracking worksheets provided. It was very interesting.
The Skill of Choosing pg. 5
I watched the skill of choosing video.
1. Take three minutes and write down as many RED activities (true urgencies) that you can imagine.
Student having a seizure, fire in the building, students fighting, turning in a report, sick child or family member, death of a family member, house fire, someone having a car wreck 2. Take three minutes and write down as many GREEN activities (go here) that you can imagine.
Writing weekly lesson plans, having a potluck lunch at work. Departmental meetings,