Jennifer Daniel
Rayna Longshore
Research Terminology
This paper is about research terminology and how it will be used in the criminal justice field. The knowledge that I will gain from knowing what the terminology and what could happen if I did not know the correct terminology. How knowing the assets will be a gain in my professional field. Terminology is very important in each professional field. Would anyone take you serious if you did not know what you are talking about?
We all think that we can have the right terminology without being trained properly or learning. In the criminal justice field this is not the case. There is so much to learn …show more content…
and know before stepping out into the field. If you have the wrong terminology your case can be looked at and thrown out or even make you and your departments look bad.
Reading through the chapters this week I found a lot of new terminology that will be very helpful in the criminal justice field. I see that it is more important to know what it is then not to know. As we think it might mean something else, is this line of work it means something totally different. Let’s look at some of the terminology now. When looking into the field you have to consider how research goes and how people are studied. Let’s look at a method that is commonly used. Methodological narcissism “methods for methods, “(According to Hagan (2010)) are based on the rehabilitations of the criminals. Most claimed that none of the programs reduced rehabilitation. They do a lot of studies in jails and outside of the prisons. This is it figure out why people do what they do. Replication is the repetition of experiments of studies utilizing the same mythology, (According to Hagan (2010)). Doing basic research or pure research is the best way you can go when studying a new source. You also have the applied research, which is focused on a particular problem or application, (According to Hagan (2010)). You can go more in depth with quantitative research. This is concepts that assign numerical value. Scientist use this more to solve the crimes. Qualative research is the concepts viewed as sensitizing ideas that will enhance understanding, , (According to Hagan (2010)). With these basic research steps it will be easy to solve crimes and think like someone in the criminal justice field should. After research comes theory. Theory represents an attempt to develop plausible explanation of reality, in which this case is crime, , (According to Hagan (2010)). Once a theory is in place and research is done. You then have to verify. Verification is confirmation of the accuracy of your findings and the conclusion through additional observation, , (According to Hagan (2010)). Crime analysis is the determination of who is doing what to whom by its focus on crimes against personal property or persons, (According to Hagan (2010)). Crime analysis is not limited to just identification. It goes beyond all of it. I think this will be the best benefit that I will use in my career in criminal justice.
Let’s look at some other terminology that we may use in the criminal justice field.
Another methodical and theoretical belief is paradigm, (ibid, pp.16-17). Throughout the investigation and or research you have a specialized type of analysis that is frequently used. Investigation is a big part of criminal justice and will be used throughout the entire time. With intelligence analysis which aids the determination of who is doing what with whom. Its focus is mainly on the relationship between people and its organization involved in illegal activity, (According to Hagan (2010)). When have data and crime scenes you also have to have operational analysis. Operational analysis enables the analysts to be as certain to obtain the how it happen process, (According to Hagan (2010)). This is using the internal but mainly focused on the examination of personal deployments. In the investigation side you also have verstehen this is showing empathy or understanding it. This would be placing yourself in the victims and or the criminal’s side to see if you can relate of why they did what they did. When placing you in their shoes is something that an investigator would do or even a probation officer. This will help them relate to your client
Looking at what investigators does and or scientists do. It all can relate in one. Most of these terms you will use in the field and or you need to know just in case scenarios. When a researcher does their thing it is called researches, (According to Hagan (2010)). This is the language of a researcher. Scientism is the ordination of physical scientists, (According to Hagan (2010)). When researching they can have research shock. Research shock is a sense of disorientation experienced by a person when suddenly confronted, (According to Hagan (2010)). This can mean that you confront someone they will lock down. Positivism is the natural of science that is often approached using the 2nd legacy, (According to Hagan (2010)). Extreme qualitative is when you are approaching and would provide the right evidence. Historicism is always seeing the social events as a distinct or chronicle of happenings. It’s just like history repeating itself. Going along with all the research you have to have variables and concepts. Variables are concepts that have been operationalized, (According to Hagan (2010)). Concepts are abstracts that are tagged and put into reality and are the beginning point in all scientific endeavors, (According to Hagan (2010)). When researchers or scientist’s presents they are going on the fact that people already know what it entails and this is what they are basing in on called induction of cases. You always have to take general steps to ensure that you are covering every detail. Problem formulation is a guide that many consider including in their personal experiences, (According to Hagan (2010)). Then you have the feminist perspectives. This is always emerged as a major force in criminology and the criminal justice field. Women are seen know to know and go above and beyond. I see most of this being used in everyday life but in mainly the field that I am going in.
We know take a look at other terms. Lucifer effect is a term that has come from evil in which someone good has turned for the worse, (According to Hagan (2010)). Not having the terminology can hurt your career. If you are not using these terms then how would your job get done the correct way. When doing research you have to take in account that sometimes you have plagiarism and research fraud. This can lead you to a bad grade in school and or are land in jail. Targets are subject matters of the criminal victims, criminal justice system, (According to Hagan (2010)). You have to maintain professional ethics which means that you have to establish within an occupation. You will need this on any job especially in the criminal justice fields. You have to follow the Ethical guidelines which are the Ethical Principle for criminal justice. You have different ethical reports. Another is the Belmont Report. This is to protect human subjects in research studies. Informed consent represents its problems in the field for a consultant. Most inmates can enter a study or be studied without consent. A dependent variable is attempting to predict and by convention is denoted by the letter Y. Crime is recidivism. Recidivism means of a rearrests rate or reincarciration, (According to Hagan (2010)). Independent variable is the cause of the crime which determines or proceeds in time the dependent variable is letter X, (According to Hagan (2010)). When coming to a conclusion you have hypothesis is a study, this is a specific statement regarding the relationship between variables and are derived, (According to Hagan (2010)).
NIJ’s Regulation of confidentiality protects individuals by for bidding the use of any research and or statistical information, (According to Hagan (2010)). The shield law is a federal funded issued by the government this is used for immunity from prosecution. Risk benefit ratio is protection of human subject guidelines where in the potential benefits must outweigh possible hazards, (According to Hagan (2010)). Pseudonyms are identity. This can be when criminals give false names. You have population throughout the inmate cells and throughout the United States. Statics are something that is measured by census, through research and surveys. Sometimes this can be a bias event.
Given all these terms I for see a lot being used in any given situation. Criminal justice is something that is a critical thinking skill that you have to have. They do go by statics and process of illumination. However research is something that is a must to have in the field. Knowing the population and the statics that are located it makes it easy to pin point crimes. I know if it is not used then crime can get out of hand and or not taken seriously. This can make presenting cases and getting a conviction hard if it is not done write and wrote write. Knowing these terms can make your career stronger and the cases stronger. It can be a great asset to the company as well. Having the knowledge to do your job is the key factor in having a great success rate. Not knowing is only going to cause someone to fail.
References: Hagan, F. (2010). Research methods in Criminal Justice chapter 1 (8th ed.) Hagan, F. (2010). Research methods in Criminal Justice chapter 2 (8th ed.)