Appendix A
Clash of Cultures
Complete the grid by describing the characteristics listed in the left-side column for the five groups named.
| |Native Americans |Northern Colonists |Mid-Atlantic Colonists |Southern Colonists |West Africans |
|Political Structure|Elders and Chieftains |Democrat |Republican/Democrat |Republican |Tribe Leaders/Council |
| |Council | | | | |
|Social System |Hunter/Gatherer |Very Bible Orientated |Very Bible Orientated |Very Bible Orientated |Hunter/Gatherer |
|Cultural Values |Help each other to live, learn and|Obey the law, your parents and |Obey the law, your parents and |Obey the law, your parents and |Help each other to live, learn and|
| |grow. |your elders. |your elders. |your elders. |grow. |
|Religion |Polytheistic |Monotheistic |Monotheistic |Monotheistic |Polytheistic |
Write a 350-word essay in which you examine one of the following topics about how the groups clashed:
• Pilgrims and Native Americans in Massachusetts • The kidnapping of colonists by Native Americans • Pequot War • Jamestown’s relationships with Native Americans • The differences between indentured servants and slaves • Racial issues in the 17th century • The Deerfield Massacre • The early anti-slavery movement