Professor: Dr. Linda
Class Conflict
In the article "class conflict " by Robert Lapides , presents the American society had made white people racists by the economic classes. The author shows the Malcolm thoughts. Which believed that white people were born racism . But when he met a group of white Muslims, who treated him with respect . Eventually , he changed his mind. And also understood that the society and the economic class had made people racist. One idea that I found significant is when the author said " American society had made people racist" . In other word , we used to be racist by how wealth individuals are. And what economic class belongs . I'm really agree about this because back in to the history of my country , The Dominican Republic. Between the years 1930-1961, my country had a president Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. Who treated people with no respect at all. But family who were wealthy , or belong to the society , he made distinction . Otherwise, for him, the rest of the population were ordinary with no right of he treats like the others. This article is related to another article that I read in my English class. Is called "20 centuries in America" .is talked about the civil right of every people in America. I think is related to this article because both article remark how powerful were a family who had high income. Moreover , how people respected them just by they weath. But there were people who was not like that, they treated people with no distinction. How the author mention when Malcolm met the white Musulman who treated him with respect.