This lead him to the Journey of discovering the Islam of the East or Orthodox Islam by making a hajj to Makkah(Mecca). He deliberately describes the Islamic Brotherhood as a peace loving community which all was treated well. As he explains that Islam is the only way that America needs for its race problem ‘’America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem.’’ Explaining my point, what is this relevant change? Well it’s admiration of the so called ‘’devil race’’! However, going through his journey, you’ll see Malcolm X selfishness got the best through him and was blinded of why during his time in Arabia. He was treated like ROYALTY by the light skinned Arabs as for example, he got the royal suites, the invitation to speak with the leaders and dinners. As he said the islamic brotherhood treated each other equally, however isn't he contradicting himself as by being treated better? He had this perception as to because of his skin color he was treated as this, but outrageously he was treated as this because he was an ‘’American Muslim’’. As his own words ‘’And the non-white peoples of the world are sick of the condescending white man!’’(Chapter 18: Pg 370). If he was truly for the world for Islamic Brotherhood and how it ends racism, wouldn’t he want to end racism? Wouldn't his admiration of whites be considered logically and unethically? This connects to John Locke’s ‘’Blank Slate’’ claim as if a human mind is one. Its Human nature to admire something if it goes to your favor. As he explains the psychological minds works only if someone if it's fully developed and indoctrinated to. By this, Malcolm X was blinded by the truth he
This lead him to the Journey of discovering the Islam of the East or Orthodox Islam by making a hajj to Makkah(Mecca). He deliberately describes the Islamic Brotherhood as a peace loving community which all was treated well. As he explains that Islam is the only way that America needs for its race problem ‘’America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem.’’ Explaining my point, what is this relevant change? Well it’s admiration of the so called ‘’devil race’’! However, going through his journey, you’ll see Malcolm X selfishness got the best through him and was blinded of why during his time in Arabia. He was treated like ROYALTY by the light skinned Arabs as for example, he got the royal suites, the invitation to speak with the leaders and dinners. As he said the islamic brotherhood treated each other equally, however isn't he contradicting himself as by being treated better? He had this perception as to because of his skin color he was treated as this, but outrageously he was treated as this because he was an ‘’American Muslim’’. As his own words ‘’And the non-white peoples of the world are sick of the condescending white man!’’(Chapter 18: Pg 370). If he was truly for the world for Islamic Brotherhood and how it ends racism, wouldn’t he want to end racism? Wouldn't his admiration of whites be considered logically and unethically? This connects to John Locke’s ‘’Blank Slate’’ claim as if a human mind is one. Its Human nature to admire something if it goes to your favor. As he explains the psychological minds works only if someone if it's fully developed and indoctrinated to. By this, Malcolm X was blinded by the truth he