Classical conditioning was introduced by a Russian scientist name Ivan Pavlov. Palvov was famous for his work in describing the psychological phenomenon that was known as a “conditioned response”. He also made several more important discoveries in physiology but the most popular and famous research that he had ever done was to teach dogs to starts to salivate in response to the sound of a bell. In this experiment he started by measuring the salivation from the dogs in response to food, then later every time he bring food to the dogs, he would rang a bell, and continues to document the salivary response, at the end just by ringing the bell alone, the dogs begin to salivate. Because of this experiment, theory of conditioned response began.
“In general, it is through classical conditioning that we learn which environmental objects are conducive to survival and which are not, and it is through instrumental or operant conditioning that we learn how to acquire or avoid desirable and undesirable objects. (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009, p. 7)”. Classical conditioning is something that everyone has in their lives however if they realize it or not is in question. Theory of Classical Conditioning The theory of classical conditioning was revealed by Ivan Pavlov a Russian psychologist. Classical conditioning is an education development that takes place throughout relations among an ecological stimulus and a