Classical Conditioning Paper By definition, classical conditioning refers to conditioning in which the conditioned stimulus is paired with and precedes the unconditioned stimulus until the conditioned stimulus alone is sufficient to elicit the response (Merriam-Webster, 2013). As a general concept, classical conditioning assists organisms in learning which stimuli signals are conducive to survival and which stimuli signals are detrimental to survival (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009). As an example imagine that you decide to attend a road trip. You decide to have a fruit snack while traveling. The twisting and turning in your travels causes motion sickness and creates nausea. This leads to nausea every time you come in contact with a fruit snack, which leads to an avoidance of fruit snacks. This is a form of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning has been debatable in the science of psychology for years. It is the intension of this paper to describe, explore, analyze, and summarize the theory of classical conditioning. In this quest, the author also intends to hypothetically apply the theory of classical conditioning, including charts and explanations. Learning new behavior through the process of association is considered conditioning. Multiple stimuli are linked to produce a learned behavior or response. In each of the three stages of classical conditioning the responses and stimuli are assigned specific scientific terms. Stage one is known as the UCS. The unconditioned stimulus produces a USR or an unconditioned response. In this stage, no new behavior is learned, but a natural response is induced by the introduction of a stimulus in
References: Olson M.H.., and Hergenhahn B.R., (2009) An introduction to learning- Retrieved 3-17-13 from McLeod S., (2007) Pavlov’s dogs- Retrieved 3-17-13 from Merriam-Webster (2013Classical conditioning- Retrieved 3-17-13 from