Usually during this stage for learning to happen the UCS must link to the CS in order for it to be strengthened, however, this isn’t always the case, if for example, you were ill after having too much to drink and every time you smelt the same drink, if made you feel ill or you had food poisoning from a certain food and the same happened every time you smelt the food. Stage three, now the CS and UCS have created a conditioned response (CR) (Examples found in appendix 1) (Simply Psychology, 2013). Pavlov did many experiments including Pavlov’s Dog experiment. Pavlov believed that there were some aspects of a dog’s behaviour that did not need to be learned such as, they don’t learn to salivate whenever they see food, this is a unconditioned response. Pavlov proved this by placing a bowl of food in front of a dog and measuring its salivary secretions (see appendix 2). Although, Pavlov learned that the dog would salivate in any place he would associate food for example, when the dog saw Pavlov’s lab assistant. This must have been learned as there was once a point in which the dogs didn’t do it, therefore once this started this meant their behaviour
Usually during this stage for learning to happen the UCS must link to the CS in order for it to be strengthened, however, this isn’t always the case, if for example, you were ill after having too much to drink and every time you smelt the same drink, if made you feel ill or you had food poisoning from a certain food and the same happened every time you smelt the food. Stage three, now the CS and UCS have created a conditioned response (CR) (Examples found in appendix 1) (Simply Psychology, 2013). Pavlov did many experiments including Pavlov’s Dog experiment. Pavlov believed that there were some aspects of a dog’s behaviour that did not need to be learned such as, they don’t learn to salivate whenever they see food, this is a unconditioned response. Pavlov proved this by placing a bowl of food in front of a dog and measuring its salivary secretions (see appendix 2). Although, Pavlov learned that the dog would salivate in any place he would associate food for example, when the dog saw Pavlov’s lab assistant. This must have been learned as there was once a point in which the dogs didn’t do it, therefore once this started this meant their behaviour