Having a roommate can be an unpleasant experience. Everybody is conditioned differently and has their own way of running a household. Having to learn everyone's disposition can be a challenge within itself because one can be different than one is used to. For me I have found it quite difficult to live with other people because they tend to not want to pick up after themselves, they have no regard for your feelings, and they could care less about your personal belongings. I have categorized the roommates that I have lived with into three categories: the dirty, the disrespectful, and the hazardous.
The first type of person I encountered was by far the dirtiest I had ever lived with. She would not take out any trash, if it were not for me it would have been piled up all over the floor. Because she would never do the dishes, I had to do them. One day I had come home from work and noticed this awful, foul smell. To my surprise, I found out that it was her cat. It had been playing around a dead cow for quite some time. I thought she would have given it a bath, but to my consternation she let it sleep with her that night. I could not handle that, so the next morning I got up and scrubbed it really good.
The second type of person I have lived with was very disrespectful. Elin would come in around 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning. This would have been fine if it was not for the fact that I had to get up early to go to work. Also, she had given her boyfriend a key to the house, so he and his friends would come over regardless if anyone was home or not. One day I was looking for something of mine, so I asked Elin where it was at. She told me that someone was over and walked out with it. Not only did they leave with my item they had ate some of my food.
The third type of roommate I had was very hazardous. This certain person smoked like a freight train. The only problem with her smoking was she fell asleep while doing it. There were countless