To begin with, having breakfast in Japan would be an experience itself. Their dishes certainly differ from the dishes I am use to eating every morning. Research shows that some traditional Japanese breakfasts foods consist of steamed white rice, a bowl of soup usually miso, and Japanese pickles such as umeboshi (Yoshizuka). In addition to, a raw egg is often mixed in a small bowl and poured on top of the hot rice. Traditional Japanese eaters usually also have fish and hot green tea with their meals (Kasuko 36). On the other hand, there is also a western style breakfast in Japan, which modern day Japanese kids and younger couples eat because it usually takes less time to make. Western styled breakfasts in Japanese homes can be compared to those in the United States. The children of Japan often eat a variety of cereals and have a glass of fruit juice or milk on the side (Kasuko 41). Younger Japanese adults mostly consume toast with eggs and a cup of coffee on the side.
If there is any country in the world that dares to be different when it comes to the most important meal of the day, it’s Nigeria. Located in western Africa, Nigeria has over 250 different ethnic groups (Koleosho 16). In most cases, Nigerians that reside in villages tend to skip breakfast or even lunch and then eat Fufu, cassava or yam pottage in the evening. Those who do eat breakfast are western style people who live in the city (Koleosho 19).These inner city folks depend on the services of 'Mamaput ' ladies ' canteens. These working ladies sell their
Cited: Johnson, Priya. "Buzzle.", 01 Feb. 2012. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Kazuko, Emi, and Yasuko Fukuokoa. Japanese Food and Cooking: A Timeless Cuisine : The Traditions, Techniques, Ingredients and Recipes. London: Lorenz, 2012. Print. Koleosho, Funke. Contemporary Nigerian Cuisine. [S.l.]: JOK, 2009. Print. Plotkin, Fred. Italy for the Gourmet Traveler. Boston: Little, Brown and, 1996. Print. "Serious Eats -" A 'Typical ' Breakfast in ... South Africa. Serious Eats, n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Vanessa. "Italy In SF." Colazione: A Guide to the Italian Breakfast. Italian in SF, 12 Sept. 2008. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Yoshizuka, Setsuko. "Traditional Japanese Breakfast." Japanese Food., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.