In order to provide your child with appropriately leveled mathematics instruction, at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year, a placement assessment was given. Your child scored ______________ on that assessment. The assessment indicated that _______________ has yet to master some of the _____ grade Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Due to this information, classroom performance and teacher recommendation your child has been selected to participate in a small group mathematics intervention program offered at Kenilworth Elementary School.
The purpose of the small group mathematics intervention is to provide students with the opportunity to work on solidifying prerequisite
concepts and provide them the skills they need to become strategic, attentive mathematicians. Making significant growth and ensuring that your child is able to access grade level math standards is the goal.
Students will receive intensive small group support three days per week during the school year. Your child will not miss mathematics instruction from their classroom teacher. Instead, they will be pulled when they would have been working on independent seat work or at learning centers. As a part of the intervention program, your child may receive two homework assignments per week. This is in addition to any homework assigned by the classroom teacher.
Attached you will find your child’s specific areas of deficit and the current grade level standards.