Since this was discovered, prizewinning biologist and Doctor Jonas Salk and other scientists are uncovering clues on how to promote creativity, relaxation, social intimacy, and keep students focused and alerted during classes. Buildings are being constructed and completed with the outlook of creating a place corresponding to its purpose, whether it be higher ceilings, a view of nature through a window, the shape of furniture, and the intensity of lighting in the room…
The layout of your room/venue is equally as important for learning to take place. If you are delivering a practical part of a lesson and are demonstrating a task/activity it is important that all your students can see what you’re doing or this could hinder learning. Here are some examples of styles of room layout.…
When planning an indoor lesson you need to take into account various health and safety factors. These will be that the room you will be taking the lesson in has enough space for the amount of students in the lesson. Students and staff should be able to move around the room without causing any problems for others and be able to locate all necessary materials and any equipment that is needed for the lesson. The lighting in the room needs to be enough that in all areas of the room students have adequate light to access the lesson. I also need to take into account any persons who may have a medical or physical need, are they able to move around the room safely, do they need to be sat in a certain area or do they need a different style of chair.…
As an early childhood provider working with 2-4 year old children I will be sure to provide a safe, healthy, and appropriate indoor and outdoor learning environment that helps their developmental characteristics. When preparing my indoor learning environment as well as my outdoor learning environment I have to take into consideration each child; their needs, their skills, their backgrounds, etc. For my indoor learning environment it is extremely important to make sure that the area is welcoming for the students as well as the parents, I will make sure that the area is lit properly (natural light and/ or energy saving bulbs) and full of colors. The furniture in the classroom will…
* Conducive to learning: All classrooms should look like a classroom; set up with learning tools and aids,…
The physical environment of a classroom is extremely important to effective teaching and learning. A…
The ways in which children recognize their surroundings greatly affects how they will perform. Teachers should view their classroom environments…
It would be much more practical to house the lesson in a bigger room or one that was far away from other classrooms e.g. the school hall or even outside. Not only does this save the rest of the school but also gives our pupils a change of scenery. Changing the environment could also stimulate the children’s attention and make them much more interested in the lesson. It would be my responsibility as teaching assistant to set up the teaching space as discussed with the teacher before the lesson began. In this instance it would be making sure the instruments were all safely assembled and prepared for the pupils.…
While in the process of unwrapping the technology standards one must acknowledge that technology as we know it has its advantages and disadvantages. Technology should enhance learning. There is no value in just having access to it but more important how it is used. In this report the discussion will concern the technologies that are available to students K-12 to facilitate teaching, learning and communication. The report before you will also attempt to explore the requirements of grades nine through twelve and reference what’s working and what’s not from the author perspective. As the unwrapping of technology standards continues this report will evaluate how technology is performing in the average classroom to elevate teaching and learning. Discussion in reference to the skill level with technology and the requirements that may be difficult to support from recommendations will also be discuss. Please, with the reader permission allow the unwrapping to begin.…
I noticed a big difference between the settings of the two classrooms I observed. The first classroom is Mrs. Thune’s first grade class at Sunrise Elementary. The classroom is very large for the twenty students and has plenty of windows. The entire room has a frog theme and leaping to learn motto. I noticed every wall had some type of teaching tool. Her walls are covered with resources and it all ties back into the frog theme to give a nice overall look. There is also a big lily pad floor mat in front of the Promethean board in the center of the room. The organization in the room is very neat and everything has a place. There is a corresponding drawer for every subject that the children can pull out and all the books are organized by theme or beginning letter. In addition, the cupboards in the room have books above with the corresponding stuffed animal to the book.…
In the functional area of establishing a learning environment my goal for my children is to try to make sure that my classroom is fun, safe, organized and set up for success. In my classroom I have seven different learning areas: art, science, blocks, dramatic play, manipulative, writing and library. All labeled with words and pictures. I try to set up stimulating learning centers so that my children can move freely with age appropriate material for their self-directed play and learning. I like to provide a high activity, low stress environment where my children can learn and play happily together. I do have to mesh some centers onto one shelf due to limited space in my classroom. If I could I would change the layout of the room and add some more space for each center.…
Functional Goal #3 Learning Environment- I believe that my classroom is set up in a matter where the children will have space to utilize…
This paper is a personal technology plan that includes my personal philosophy on integrating technology in the classroom as well as my professional goals concerning technology in the classroom. My Mission and Vision Statement are included as well as a plan for communications, integrating technology, software to support assessment, and technology ethics for a strong guideline in the classroom. Although this plan will need to be revised as advances in technology are made this is strong ground work that I can build on as a professional educator. Using this plan I can ensure that my students are using the latest advancements in technology to further their education while staying safe, I’m continually involving the parents in their child’s technology education, and using technology as part of my daily lesson plans to ensure full understanding of the standards being taught.…
When I first entered the classroom the atmosphere was very inviting and comfortable unlike most classrooms I enter for my own classes. There was a large skylight in the center of the ceiling as well as several windows that let in natural light. There are also green plants in a couple corners of the room. Each student has their own cubbies to put their crafts in the top and their jackets and lunch boxes in the bottom. All of the students wear slippers so that they don’t bring in any dirt from what might be on the bottom of their shoes and to create a quieter environment. On the wall there were 5 clocks set to the times in different countries; Peru, Spain, Africa, Korea, and Australia. They have a class pet named Roberta and she is a lizard, one kid is assigned to feed her each day. They have a schedule on the wall, the time increments don’t exceed more than one hour.…
In my classroom the technology plan is to keep up with the latest devices to heighten students’ knowledge. Technology is here to make life and learning easier and more convenient for everyone. It is important for students to know and learn how to use such devices for it will go beyond school into their careers. People use technology all the time now, and before we know it will overcome us, so it is essential to understand technology and its purpose. In my classroom we will be going through each device to see which ones will work and which one’s wont. Here is my vision for my classroom about technology being used.…