The primary responsibility for implementing air-pollution standards established under the Clean Air Act rests with state and local governments.…
* Clean Air Act of 1970- revision of prior congressional legislation to control air pollution that set stricter standards for air quality, imposed limits on emissions from new stationary and mobile sources, provided new funds for pollution-control research and enabled citizens to sue parties violating the standards.…
The purpose of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is to protecting human health and the environment by writing and enforcing regulations based on laws passed by Congress. According to EPA website, Born in the wake of elevated concern about environmental pollution, EPA was established on December 2, 1970 to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection. This agency, US Environment Protection Agency is run by its Administrator. The current Administrator is Lisa P. Jackson. The President appoints an administrator for U.S. Environment Protection Agency and Congress can approve or decline the person. The US Environmental Protection Agency is an independent agency. The agency has approximately 17,000 full-time employees and engages many more people on a contractual basis.…
10. The Clean Air Act requires states to work in conjunction with the federal government to develop a(n) _________ to bring air quality into compliance with national standards. (Points : 1)…
● clean air act United States federal law designed to control air pollution on a national…
The next act that was implemented is The Clean Air Act of 1970 which set standards to control pollution from vehicles and factories. Congressed passed revisions to The Clean Air Act in 1990 which tried to decrease chemicals that depleted the ozone layer and also reduce smog/ things that created acid rain. The last law that tried to save the environment was The Kyoto Protocol and was a huge nationwide effort to reduce emission of greenhouse gases that were a major cause of global warming.…
On December 2 of 1970, President Richard Nixon founded the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) because he wanted to "transform our land into what we want it to become” through the utilization of an independent agency to regulate the environment. This organization protects the environment by enforcing regulations to support environmental laws created by Congress. The Environmental Protection Agency's mission statement is "to support the protection of human health and the environment by advocating and advancing the business, regulatory, and environmental compliance concerns of small and socio-economically disadvantaged businesses and minority academic institutions" (US Enviromental Protection Agency, 2010).…
There are six common air pollutants that are monitored by the EPA. These are as follow: ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and lead. All of these are monitored by state EPA and have to be reported on the federal level. If there is an issue with a particular area, the local government has to provide a plan to get the area back to acceptable…
In 1970 was the federal first attempt to control hazardous air pollutants (HAP).” The current definition of HAP is a pollutant "known to cause or [that] may reasonably be anticipated to cause adverse effects to human health or adverse environmental effects”. It came in section 112 amendments to clean air. The EPA was required by Section 112 to have a list of hazardous air pollutants that may have would cause to mortalities, fatalities, illnesses or anything that could not be reversed. Once the pollutant list was made, The EPA required that the companies establish and develop health based emissions that provide some sort of safety precaution to protect the public’s health. Substances listed as criteria pollutants and regulated under sections…
There was a major growth in population after World War II which made plain the evils of pollution. As a result, the idea of ecology spread and eventually led to a public outcry for government action to protect the wild. Environmentalism is a political movement which demanded the state not only preserve the earth, but to act to regulate and punish those who pollute it. Eventually the idea was advocated, to the President, a separate regulatory agency devoted solely to the pursuit of anti-pollution programs. As a result, Congress recognized the significance of the issue by passing the National Environmental Protection Act on December 2, 1970. ( The Environmental Protection Act was built to protect human health and the environment.…
Pollution became a popular issue after World War II, due to radioactive fallout from atomic warfare and testing. Then a non-nuclear event, The Great Smog of 1952 in London, killed at least 4000 people.[ This prompted some of the first major modern environmental legislation, The Clean Air Act of 1956. Pollution began to draw major public attention in the United States between the mid-1950s and early 1970s, when Congress passed the Noise Control Act, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.…
Governments around the world play a key role in how an automotive company will be able to compete. In the United States there are many emission control regulations that have been put in place that other countries don’t have to follow when using vehicles. The Clean Air Act was put in place in 1970 after concerns of pollutants in the air causing health issues. Car companies were required to reduce hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide by 90 percent in cars made…
So, to stop this air pollution, there are many rules and regulations were creates by many countries. By the use of this rules and regulation, the air pollution can be controlled. By the government of different countries, there were developed many standards. For example : EURO, which is based on European rules & regulations. By the use of this standards, the pollution can take under control.…
environmental impact of a project, program or activity. This shall include setting up of a…
The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was passed in 1981 to regulate air pollution and there have been some measurable improvements. However, the 2012 Environmental Performance Index ranked India as having the poorest relative air quality out of 132 countries.[5]…