What was cleopatra's role in Egypt?
Cleopatra the VII (7) became the Queen of Egypt at the age of only eighteen. She was married to her brother Ptolemy (pronounced Polemy) XIII (13), who was eight years younger than Cleopatra. The newly wed couple ruled an empire that included Egypt, Cyprus and parts of Libya. Cleopatra's family had ruled for more than 100 years before she was born …show more content…
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How many years did Cleopatra rule for and when did she stop?
Cleopatra VII was born in 69 B.C. in Alexandria. Cleopatra’s father Ptolemy XII (12) died and in his will he left the kingdom in the hands of Cleopatra and her younger brother Ptolemy XIII (13). Cleopatra was only eighteen when she took her joint claim to the throne. She had to wed her brother and co-rule due to Egyptian law, which called for any female ruler to have a consort who was either a brother or a son. Ptolemy XIII was only twelve years of age at the time and Cleopatra took full advantage of the age difference between her and her sibling and the situation they had been thrown into. Cleopatra dropped Ptolemy’s name from all administrative documents ignoring her brother's role of co-regent for three years. Cleopatra ruled alone until one of her brothers advisors Pothinus began plotting against her. In 48 B.C. they removed Cleopatra from her power and she was forced into exile in Syria along with her younger sister Arsinoe IV (4). Cleopatra would not give up her place on the throne easily and she began forming an army. Cleopatra made plans to meet Julius Caesar in her own