In the countrie Solomon islands one of the major problems today is climate change activities. Climate change is the common tolarent background in which this account is looking at the changes that affects most aspect of the environment. How it is important of agricultural activities. The basic of greenhouse effect the gretly affected by changing of climate. However the potential impacts of climates change on agriculture onterms of food security. More over about the climate change of how does it related to both of them. The protest of impact of climate change to agriculture, the negative impact of climate change each positive impact. What do people done with regards to the fact the local example from the normal cycle pattern.
Furthermore with the title weather, climate change; first of all weather could be specifically moving as the rain season at the atmosphere pattern which is led to short day period of cloud that’s the outcomes about whether. Sometimes we experienced cloudy day in the atmosphere due to weather pattern.
The climate change however can be aspect weather pattern that normal experience lower from each normal of original pattern that we experience rain that increases every year. Time, wind, makes a huge prolonged at the starting of the seasons. Climate can change in many form of pattern therefore identification should be granded of all living creatures. climate change can be implement through the high amount of temperature rise and less than 20c it also reduce at 85% climate change should be granted by experience of a prolong time given season. Through the theory of study of how about climate the outcomes stated that Solomon islands climate only have two season of climate namely the dry period of season and wet season throughout every year.
Secondly, climate change outcome in many varieties of factors. Therefore the greenhouse gasses were the most common gasses which are increase up through yearly