In recent years, climate change has become a catastrophic issue that globally depletes resources at an unsustainable rate for survival. Rising temperatures associated with climate change are due to the greenhouse effect, in which humans play a huge role. The greenhouse effect is the trapping and buildup of heat in the Earth’s atmosphere due to carbon based human activities, such as transportation, electricity, and consumer habits(EPA, 2013). Global climate change includes substantial change to local and global temperatures, wind patterns, rainfall patterns, which last over extended periods of time (EPA, 2013). Current, unsustainable rates of human population growth contribute to the extra greenhouse gasses are added into the atmosphere.…
The idea of climate change, for many, is an opinionated subject with much discussion of whether it is a real issue or just a natural phenomenon. However in recent years it is clear to see that trends in the Earth’s climate and surface temperature has spiked to levels never seen before. Despite all the evidence of the high levels of greenhouses gases and the rise in temperature, many still believe that there is no connection between the two, and that the Earth is just going through its natural cycle.…
Anthropogenic climate change is an establishment phenomenon. Within the scientific community, the question is no longer whether climate change will occur, but at what rate, with what effects, and what, if anything, we can do about it. The biggest culprit in climate change is an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, which is generated primarily through burning fossils. Earth’s average temperature is based on daily measurements taken at several thousand land based meteorological stations around the world, as well as data from weather balloons, orbiting satellites, transoceanic ships, and hundreds of sea surface buoys with temperature sensors. Scientists around the world have researched global climate change for several decades. As the evidence has accumulated, the most qualified to address the issue have concluded that temperatures have increased over the past century, that it is extremely unlikely that natural causes can explain the warming, and the human produced greenhouse gases are the plausible explanation for the warming that has occurred.…
Global climate change has been a subject of much discussion for some time now. The earth has naturally gone through heating and cooling phases in its lifetime. Most scientists agree that these changes aren’t solely the product of humans, but that the time required for natural climate change has been decreased due to humans. This has led to new problems for the earth and all of its inhabitants. According to research the earth is warming at an average of 1.2-1.4° F every 100 years (…
In our society today global warming has become a topic of great debate. While many individuals are skeptical or disregard the theories regarding the Earth’s climate change, others look to the scientific literature that clearly supports the changes of our climate. According to the article “No Need to Panic About Global Warming”, global warming should be of no concern to individuals. “Many scientists and engineers who have looked carefully and independently at the science of climate” offer no evidence regarding the inflated climate changes and increased occurrence of aggressive greenhouse gasses. The article explains that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant and is a key component to the life cycle of the biosphere. The author argues…
What exactly is global warming? Do you know the answer, maybe you do, however, taking a pretty good educated guess I would tend to think that most people think they have a pretty good idea when in actuality they have no clue what so ever about global warming. The current frenzy over global warming has galvanized the public and cost taxpayers billions of dollars in federal expenditures for climate research. It has spawned Hollywood blockbusters and inspired major political movements. It has given a higher calling to celebrities and built a lucrative industry for eager scientists. In short, ending climate change has become a national crusade. And yet, despite this dominant and sprawling campaign, the facts behind global warming remain as confounding as ever. Let’ s start by talking about the definition; according to Sir David King and Gabrielle Walker’ s, 2008, book titled “The Hot Topic “ global warming is defined as a gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperature. A more popular usage definition would be global warming is caused by human activity, or let’s look at a more technical term anthropogenic. The debate would be is global warming observed naturally or is it man made? Some might actually take on a debate about the natural causes, like is the sun getting hotter; or maybe the debate would lean more towards human causes, carbon dioxide , here is a good example: the exhaust from cars and power plants that pollute our air. Which side of the debate would you take? One in respect to thinking that global warming is a serious problem, then again maybe global warming has only clouded the issue or in simple terms; how the climate system really works and why man’s role in global warming is more myth than science, and how the global warming hype has corrupted Washington and the scientific community.…
Global warming causes a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and its ocean. Likewise, the increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are believed to be the major concern and a source of permanent climate change in the past 50 years. Let’s look at the cause; there is an obstruction of gases around…
Satellites orbiting the earth and other advanced technologies have enabled scientists to collect many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate.The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century. Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in…
The current climate change is the warming of Earth’s atmosphere. Climate change has happened naturally all throughout history, but never to the degree that it is now. Average global temperature and CO2 levels are rising due to human activity on the planet such as increased agriculture, raising livestock, and burning fossil fuels. Now it is known that climate change is happening for a many reasons. Scientists studying ice cores, seafloor sediment, and tree rings are all seeing how the climate change is affecting the planet.…
There are many myths and facts about global warming, but the same question is always asked, “Is global warming real or not?” Many more questions arise from asking if global warming is real or not like, “is it the human’s fault or is it just the natural course of the Earth?” There is much evidence that scientist had gather to prove that global warming is real; for example everyone is aware the Antarctic glacier’s melting causing the oceans to rise and causing many problems not only to people but also animals too (Discovery Channel, Discovery Channel - Global Warming, What You Need To Know [Documentary]). The following are facts about global warming and how it is a real thing whether there are people wanting to believe this or not it is happening.…
There are always two sides to every story and every different point of view has a right to be heard. When it comes to the discussion of global warming there are two very distinct points of view. The world seems to be split between global warming being caused by humans and it being a natural occurrence. This paper will discuss the two views in depth, followed by my opinion about the global warming phenomena.…
Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns, and has attributed greatly to the increased levels of carbon dioxide within the earth’s atmosphere, which is said to be produced by the use of fossil fuels. For many years scientists have been predicting that that the results of climate change would include loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and more intense heat waves of a longer length. Scientists also have high confidence that global temperatures will continue to rise for decades to come, and this being largely due to the greenhouse gases produced by human activity.…
For the past decade now there has been a long ongoing controversy, this controversy being this issue of global climate change. It has been a subject many people have been aware of yet few have actually talked about with the general public, as a result is has become one of the most undermined, yet widely discussed issues being held today amongst primarily scientists. Although scientist heavily debate on the subject, making suggestions on what needs to be done and pointing out the causes for climate change; we as a group need to take action in finding out what is happening to the Earth. It is only educating the general public is the only way we can come closer to reversing the damaged caused by global warming and climate…
Climate change is a change in the world’s climate. Climate change is the result of greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide and methane) building up into our atmosphere and helping trap the heat. Over the past two decades greenhouse gases continue to build up into our atmosphere because of human activity. The atmosphere acts like a blanket protecting us so when solar radiation comes in it is reflected back into space but the greenhouse gases keep building up and making this blanket thicker harder and for the solar radiation and to bounce back into space. This causes the earth’s temperature to become warmer. The gradual increase in temperature has a major effect for ecosystems, growing seasons, animals and their habitats. Concentrations of greenhouse gases are now higher than at any ever in the past 800,000 years with an average surface temperature rise of 0.7°C over the past 100 years. Climate change causes weather patterns to change resulting in long droughts severe storms, bushfires and rising sea levels.…
This essay takes a closer look into what “Global Warming” really consists of, or if it even exists at all. It will uncover proven scientific research that shows the truths behind the politics, provide data of the actual recorded climate changes, and explain why the Going Green policies are just a scam to make additional money off consumers as well as a scare tactic for the government to gain control.…