2. The climate changes in Arctic affects the people living in Arctic. It can also affect the sea animals. For instance, due to the weather and temperature, the melting of the ice can contaminate the sea animals.…
Air pollution from PowerPlanet power plants are melting ice caps which destroy arctic animal habitats, which in return is killing the arctic species. Ice caps are sheets of ice that make up polar and sub-polar regions. Now with rising temperatures in the poles the ice caps melt and break off from the main lands. This will keep pushing animals inland, shrinking their habitable zone. WIth the shrinking of arctic animals’ habitat it drives them together which is not good for smaller animals who are prey to dominant species like polar bears. Ice caps can also seclude animals. Instead of you being on the block of ice, suppose it was a cute little arctic fox…
The working groups in the Arctic Council act as scientific bodies by documenting challenges the Arctic faces and by publishing scientific reports regarding the effects of climate change in the Arctic. These effects greatly impact the Arctic, as even minor changes in annual temperatures can impact Arctic life. Increasing temperatures result in the loss of Arctic fisheries, increased forest fire threats and storm damage to coastal communities. Oceans in the Arctic “are acidifying twice as fast as average,” interfering with the survival of shellfish and other marine species. A study done by the Arctic Council found that “sea-ice in summer months has declined by 15-20% over the past thirty years” .…
There are many factors that make the Arctic tundra biome an extreme environment. There are only two seasons in this biome, winter and summer. The winters are characterised as long and cold where temperatures can drop below -50°C. There are also parts of the Arctic Circle that experience periods of time without sunlight known as polar nights, this can last for several months. During the winter months food is very scarce.…
Change is something that happens very often to everyone and everything, because it is how we evolve.For example, lets say that you have a newborn puppy that has no fur, eyes closed ,and ears closed. 3 years past and the puppy you had has grown up to be a beautiful huskey with black, gray, and white fur with eyes as blue as the ocean.…
How is global warming disrupting the natural Arctic wildlife patterns? It disrupts when the ice melts, when the animals go into hibernation. During the video about the inuits. The inuits need to know when the animals are out, if they don’t, then they might starve, because all people need to eat. The evidence shown shows why the inuits have to be…
This article, for me, was essential in proving that arctic ice heating up is a problem. It gives me evidence that I can use to prove to disbelievers of global warming and their effects that in time places such as the poles could indeed end up with a complete change in climate and scenery. It not only tells of climate problems of the future but that of the present which helps to prove that it already is a bigger problem than most people expected. All-in-all, this article portrays to readers the effects of a warmer world on the arctic. The Australian is Australia’s only broadsheet newspaper and is led by highly credible and experience journalists.…
Climate change in the Tundra will cause very alarming problems that hold the potential to affect the present generation and those to come. Climate change is an adjustment of global or regional weather patterns. The Tundra has a frigid climate, frozen soil, and animals such as lemmings and polar bears. Additionally, there are flowers and grasses throughout the land. Nutrients for such plants come from dead and decomposing biological matter. Essentially all the precipitation is in the form of snow due to the average temperature of approximately 7.75°F (Google.com). Despite efforts to reduce carbon emissions, the permafrost is melting at startling rates due to human interference.…
Global warming is very bad for the polar bears and all the other animals that live in the snow biome. The reason why it is bad is because the warming of the earth is causing the ice and snow to melt. Which means that the polar bears will not have a place to live this is already happening in some polar parts. Once all the snow and ice melts the polar bears will not have anywhere to live and they won't be able to eat. Which leads to all the animals to become extinct and there will be no more polar areas.…
The most vulnerable impact of climate change in Canada is the production of forestry. Every year, almost 6 billion trees are cut down leaving not only pollutants of factories that produce greenhouse effects, but leaving ecosystems destroyed and animals vulnerable. In addition, as a result of human activities in Canada-that produce immense amounts of CO2-causes ice sheets and alpine glaciers to melt- taking a substantial toll on Arctic ecosystems. Moreover, the rising levels of CO2 affects Canada's weather and climate patterns as some regions may experience more extreme heat while others may cool slightly. Flooding, drought, and violent storms and other extreme weather events are some of the consequences and issues that affect our society.…
While our team was composed of completely different preference types (as classified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), we believe that such varying opinions led to our group’s success in the Subarctic Survival Simulation. In fact, our group boasted the highest team percentage change in the activity—43 percent. The team percentage change represents the improvements made in the ranking of survival tools through our team’s discussion from our individual assessments. The change shows how the group’s gain score (24.4) relates to the average individual score (56.4). Additionally, our gain score was the highest in the class, further showing the strengths of our teamwork during the survival simulation.…
There is a problem with the climate in the Arctic zone and how it has been causing the population of the Polar Bears to drop. There are organizations around the world helping the Polar Bears survive. Polar Bears have been endangered for ten years now and without organizations such as the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), the Polar Bear’s survival rate will drop drastically. The survival of the Polar Bears rely on the WWF organization’s Margaret Williams, the managing director for the Arctic program for the WWF, is an expert when it comes to the preventions for the Polar Bears. She is quoted saying, “We need to change course if we want to stop further habitat loss and ensure resilient wildlife populations both in the arctic and around the world,” (Margaret Williams).…
From Encyclopedia Britannica, It states The warming of our planet is causing less snow and melting ice. Ice is very important to us we use it to cross frozen rivers. From encyclopedia britannica, it states that polar bears homes are melting and the will be extinct.. from encyclopedia britannica, it states that polar bears homes are melting and the will be extinct. Global warming is ruining many things and we need to stop it…
Climate changes occur naturally over long periods of time on Earth, and it has been this way throughout Earth’s history. Currently, anthropological influences on earth have triggered a quickening rise in global temperatures and this in turn is causing a rapid change in earth’s climate. One of the major changes currently happening on earth is the melting of the polar ice caps. Major impacts relating to the melting of the polar ice caps include changes in ocean temperature, changes in ocean salinity, sea level rise/ flooding, changes in ocean circulations, loss of biodiversity, and loss of ecosystems as well as their services. All of these impacts could lead to devastating consequences for many…
Increased coastal erosion in the Arctic, due to thawing permafrost could have major global impacts. Firstly, permafrost is ‘soil or rock that remains at or below 0°C for at least two consecutive years’ (van Everdingen, 1998). Consequently storing gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, frozen as organic matter (Fritz and Lantuit, 2017) in the permafrost underlying the Arctic coastline (ACIA). When the permafrost thaws in the summer months, this organic matter decomposes transferring the organic carbon into marine storage zones (Hayes et al, 2007) and releases carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere (ACIA). Therefore, if the rate of coastal erosion in the Arctic is increased, the global carbon budget could be affected as the releases…