Irah Boncaros
Geog 2: Online Cultural Geography
January 22, 2017
Ancestral Diet Gone Wrong
1. After reading Marla Cone’s article, Ancestral Diet Gone Wrong, I knew other countries that have been affected by their environmental surroundings such as Asia or Africa, but I did not know that people from the Arctic were affected by their physical and environmental surroundings.
2. The climate changes in Arctic affects the people living in Arctic. It can also affect the sea animals. For instance, due to the weather and temperature, the melting of the ice can contaminate the sea animals.
3. Inuit’s culture and values holds a high health risk. Due to the amount of contamination on
the ocean, the foods they consume are contaminated and affect their health being. Such foods include fish, marine mammals, and other seafood. In Marla Cone’s Article, “Dewailly said the increase infection rate is the most serious of the known threats because Arctic children suffer extremely elevated rates of ear infections, which often lead to hearing loss, and respiratory infections.” The high amount of high toxins such as mercury and PCB that children consume affects their bodies. It does not just affect their body, but also their mental well-being. Mothers had put their children in health risk by what they consume. The foods Mothers consumed contain chemicals that affected their child’s health. Breast feeding had also affected their child’s bodies. If Inuit people continue to rely on their custom foods, they may have to suffer the health consequences.
4. To help protect Inuit’s culture, people must learn to be open to new foods and to assimilate for a better healthier life. They must understand that environmental changes and the foods they consume can affect their body physically. Refined foods may even be an option for Inuit’s people to consume.
The Beholding Eye
5. I viewed landscape as beautiful nature including trees, ocean, changes of weather, changes of temperature, etc... I do believe people look landscape differently than me. There are always changes to landscape and people may wonder why there are more changes to weather and/or temperature in different regions of the world.
6. I view landscape as the landscape as nature. Our world is full of landscape including clouds, mountains, oceans, forests, deserts, and more. It is part of our ecological system where natural disasters happen such as earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and more due to Mother Nature. I believe nature will always win. Meinig notes, “It is not hard to see beauty and power in nature.” We can’t beat nature’s environmental changes. We can only try to educate people and the beauty of our nature, and what we can do to become more environmental friendly.