4th period
Climate Change Videos Paper
An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore's global warming movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," aims to call attention to the dangers society faces from climate change, and suggests urgent actions that we need to take part in immediately. It is based on a slide show on climate Al has presented to audiences worldwide over 1000 times in the past 15 years, but it is not purely a documentary. Al's movie is an advocacy piece that is part documentary, part biography, and part campaign ad. Al Gore has the right idea, climate change is an urgent issue that requires immediate action. However, the movie has flaws. The presentation of the science is good, but not great. The excessive details on Al
Gore's life makes the movie longer and is unnecessary. Along with his constant mentioning of running in politics to change the climate gets repetitive and annoying after a while. But, put that aside, I enjoyed the movie.
Cool It
“Cool It” is based upon the book of the same name and lectures by Bjorn Lomborg, the controversial author of The Skeptical Environmentalist. This is a film where we travel the world with Lomborg exploring the real facts and true science of global warming and its impact.
Lomborg is the founder and director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, a globally respected think tank that brings together the world’s leading economists to prioritize major global problems. Among them malaria, the lack of potable water and HIV/AIDS. This is based upon a cost/benefit analysis of available solutions. Along with the strong and polarized opinions within the global warming debate, “Cool It” follows Lomborg on his mission to bring the smartest solutions to climate change, environmental pollution, and other major problems in the world. Compare and Contrast
There are multiple points in the movies were the men agree on facts of global warming.
The worlds sea level has and