Ms. Jessica
English Class
5 November 2012
Women’s Right Are Human Rights: A Rhetorical Analysis
Several decades ago, the global women’s rights treaty was ratified by a majority of the world’s nation. Despite its many successes in advancing and empowering women in relation to women’s rights, poverty, decision-making, violence against women, and other numerous issues actually still exist in all aspects of women’s life. Therefore, the 4th World Conference on Women with its unique slogan “Action for Equality, Development, and Peace” was held in Beijing, China from the 4th to the 15th of September 1995 with participation of international delegates from more than 180 countries including the United States of America ("Beijing Women's Conference”). This conference was prepared in order to advance the goals of equality, development, and peace for all women everywhere in the interest of all humanity. Proudly, the First Lady of the United States of America, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton took to the podium at this conference to speak up in order to achieve greater equality and opportunity for women all around the world (“Hillary Clinton Biography”). As an American, Clinton addressed problems that every country, including the United States of America, faced regarding the liberties of women, and why it was important that women should receive freedoms and allow their voice to be heard. In her speech, “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights,” Clinton effectively delivered to audience the ways in which women should be treated equally under human rights. The intended audiences for the speech that gathered in Beijing to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations is hundreds of governments and other organizations to ensure the full enjoyment by women of all human rights and fundamental freedoms ("Beijing Women's Conference”) Throughout her speech, Clinton uses the rhetorical appeals and certain rhetorical devices to argue that women’s rights