March 7, 2011
The story to clocker’s is mentors who do young kids look up to spike lee captures this in Ronald "Strike" Dunham a young drug dealer influenced in the wrong way as the part depicts Rodney a father figure to him a reminder to Oliver Twists Fagin, Ronald deep down inside he was trying to break free from the guns and drug. He was doing what every other young kid was doing in the ghetto selling drugs dealing on a park bench. (Quart, L. 1995).
The mystery to the movie is a murder Rodney needs a favor and Ronald tries to supply him to shoot another young man several time just so he could get ahead because he felt that Darryl was a treat and he was competition who sold drugs in a local store. Rodney supplied the drugs to Strike and his friends who he sat on the park bench with Strike. The role that each kid had when a sale was in progress needed lookouts and a street code thus the name Clocker’s, each kid had a specific roll to pass money along eventually reaching the drug distributor back along the chain. (Masserman, P. 1992).
The cops new this taking a blind eye until a murder when Victor, Roland’s brother confesses to the murder Roland feels guilty as the two brothers are seen in a bar near the scene of the crime having a heated argument then Victor leaving just before the murder happened he is the main suspect. Detective Rocco does not believe Victor he thinks it’s a cover up story to help his brother who also is seen near the crime. Dt. Rocco Klein; he was the homicide detective handing the murder case of Darryl. (Quart, L. 1995). His goal was to find out who killed Darryl.
He was also trying to reach out to Strike and help him. The movie opens up several moral avenues Rodney was not always a bad kid he liked electric model trains and he also had helped a local cop Andre get gym mates for the kids in his community. He also tried to mentor another kid Tyrone "Shorty" Jeter. Strike was teaching him the way of
References: Quart, L. (1995). Clockers. Cineaste, 21(4), 64. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Masserman, P. (1992). Clockers. Magill Book Reviews, Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Massood, P. J. (2001). Which Way to the Promised Land?: Spike Lee 's Clockers and the Legacy of the African American City. African American Review, 35(2), 263. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.