Our friendship ended after a text he sent me. He sent me this text when mass ended and I had just passed by him. This text was short and simple but very painful. The text he sent me said, “I never considered you as a friend! You’re the worst person ever!” When I read that text I had barely gotten into the car and was headed home with my mom. I broke out into tears after I told my mom what the text said. I didn’t dare text him back because he had made his decision and I didn’t want to deal with him anymore. When I got home I stayed in my room the whole day because I couldn’t believe what was happening after everything we had been through. He was considered as my brother but after that text I considered him as an enemy. He also started spreading rumors about me and told my
Our friendship ended after a text he sent me. He sent me this text when mass ended and I had just passed by him. This text was short and simple but very painful. The text he sent me said, “I never considered you as a friend! You’re the worst person ever!” When I read that text I had barely gotten into the car and was headed home with my mom. I broke out into tears after I told my mom what the text said. I didn’t dare text him back because he had made his decision and I didn’t want to deal with him anymore. When I got home I stayed in my room the whole day because I couldn’t believe what was happening after everything we had been through. He was considered as my brother but after that text I considered him as an enemy. He also started spreading rumors about me and told my