Abstract: Tetanus is a severe infection causes by Clostridium tetani, a spore-forming anaerobic bacterium. This disease affects many people in the developing-countries where the immunization is not really available. On the other hand, tetanus is very rare condition in developed countries like America. Clostridium tetani has all the characteristics of the Clostridium genus. After entering the human wounds, this organism secreted two kinds of potent biological exotoxin: tetanolysin and tetanospasmin. However, only tetanospasmin is the infectious agent which causes the tetanus. Because of the two specific chains, tetanospasmin is very dangerous when this toxin is introduced into blood and traveled around the nervous system. When tetanospasmins bind to the neurons, it is very hard for treatments and may damage the affected neurons. Symptoms related to this disease are very distinct. The first signs of tetanus are usually facial muscle spasms, difficulty swallowing, and trimus or “lockjaw”. Based on the affected muscle groups, the tetanus is divided into four different types: generalized, neonatal, local, and cephalic tetanus. Treatments for tetanus may include medicine, surgical removal, and sportive treatment. Tetanus may cause compliments such disability or death. In USA, two kinds of immunization are available nationwide are DTaP vaccine and Td vaccine.…