Teenage Fashion In today’s society young teenage females have to follow many rules, but fashion is the only thing they feel like they can control. Young females see fashion as a huge impact on their life and they feel that they have to dress a certain way just to fit in now days. Fashion is what's current and what is "in the moment," and it often strikes interest in a large number of people. The clothes we choose to wear tell a lot about ourselves. For teenagers, fashion is first and foremost a social statement. It is an outward means of expression to their peers and the rest of the world.
In the article “Clothing the Young Female Body”, fashion plays a large part in a teenage girl’s life. The article discuss how teenage magazines play an important part in shaping femininity meaning “the quality of being female; womanliness”. Teenage girls are concerned with their personal relationships, so they have to impress people (especially those with men); with their physical appearance and also the form of beauty and style is something big to them. They will often exploit fashion as a means to attract a certain type of people.
Winship indicates in the article that girls also get pleasure from fashion, I agree with that because girls feel that fashion makes them happy and make them feel better whenever they are going through a bad situation. Pleasure from fashion makes girls feel prettier when they are dressed up.
Clothes are acquired for their style, for their designer label, for the statements that they make about the wearer. Fashion is something everybody deals with every day when we get dress. Every morning when we choose what to wear, we like to pick something that will tell everybody a little something about your unique personality. Endless logos, big designer name and brands are important in today's society. A strong interest in fashion is because it is a way for teenage girls to shape their identities. Young