Apple iCloud
Apples iCloud Technology Explained
Piyush Narkhede
Pune University
IT 103-001
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On October 12, 2011 Apple released a new technology to the world they designed called the iCloud. This was a whole new technology the world has never seen before that apple released to change technology around the world. “Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled several new Apple services, including iCloud, that underscore a major shift taking place in the tech world as users' information moves from gadgets to the cloud, where it is stored on remote servers and accessible from any device with an Internet connection” (Bosker, 2011). The Cloud is an online set amount of storage where users can put data and other things that are on their apple products, for backups, syncs, emails, and other personal usage. The iCloud takes away the pain of having to connect your device to your computer, and also gives you storage space available for the user to fill with information on their Apple technologies, and gives you the option to purchase more memory room. The standard amount of space for a new user