The President of this session, __________ has selected me to become the Temporary President for today’s session and I thank him for giving me this opportunity considering this was a post I turned down when I was nominated for it during our first session.
This is a quote we often hear as we are the youth of today. But will we become the leaders of tomorrow? This is the reason we have ALL gathered here for this training program by CLTS.
With the TV, internet and other forms of media, the youth today are increasingly getting distracted by a lot of entertainment in their world today. While entertainment is not a bad thing in itself, but an overdose of it has created a selfish culture in the youth.
Because of all these distractions, the youth today have a greater challenge trying to perform a single task with focus and excellence. Something appearing to be more appealing will catch their attention and take their focus away from their initial task.
When the youth apply focus in performing their everyday tasks, we can easily see that we are far more effective than the typical youth who is distracted by the many things around him. We will be far more efficient, clear and achieve much more in life than others.
I conclude this speech by thanking the President, __________ to give me a chance to represent myself as the President.
Now I hand over the control of the lectern to _________ who will be giving the reports on the last