PRESIDENT: “I call to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of (Parish Corporate Name).”
PRESIDENT: (Says the Opening Prayer)
PRESIDENT: “A timely letter of notice was received by all members of the board for this meeting” or “A waiver of notice has been signed by all members of the board and is to be filed with the minutes of this meeting.”
PRESIDENT: (To the Secretary,) “Do we have a quorum?”
SECRETARY: “Yes, the following members are present (Pastor name), (Secretary name), (Treasurer name), Bishop (name) & (Vice President name) Moderator of the Curia” or “Bishop (name) & (Vice President name) Moderator of the Curia are present by proxy or via telecom.” (Quorum is 3 members)
PRESIDENT: “You have all received and had an opportunity to review the minutes of the previous meeting. Are there any corrections or amendments to the minutes?” (After dealing with such corrections and amendments) “I call a motion to approve of the minutes as presented (or as amended).” MEMBER: “So moved”
MEMBER: “Second”
PRESIDENT: “Having been moved and seconded, is there any further discussion? I call for the question. All in Favor say Aye.” (pause for vote) “Those Opposed say Nay. Motion carries (or Motion does not carry),” as applicable.
PRESIDENT: “We now take up the matter of the Compliance”
SECRETARY (asking the President): “Is the Parish in full compliance with the Diocesan Safe Environment Program?” (pause for response from Pastor) Then “Is the Parish in full compliance with the Diocesan Policies which have been previously adopted by the Parish board of directors?” (pause for response from Pastor). The response from the Pastor on Compliance will be recorded in the minutes of each meeting.
PRESIDENT: “We will now review the significant events having taken place in the parish since the last meeting.” (Presidents report of significant events or actions since the previous board meeting. President asks the Secretary to