Psychologists and philosophers accepted that cultural differences affect thought. Experiments have shown that people from different cultures observe and think about the world very differently. Benjamin Worf (1956) believed that the language we speak influence our way of thinking. Worf used the linguistic relatively hypothesis well known as linguistic determinism to demonstrates his beliefs. Traditionally, the language American people speak has become an important factor in how male and female are being categorized. For example, in an experiment both men and women were asked to answer about occupations where they placed next to a doctor’s picture a woman or next to a secretary’s picture a man. In this test men and women did not respond quickly, because people’s thoughts are affected according their traditional way of thinking. Animals also have a system of communicating among their species that is called signs. However, numerous studies reveal that only seven animals have the capacity to identify some objects, colors, and numbers as humans do. These non-human species are chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, dolphins, elephants,
Psychologists and philosophers accepted that cultural differences affect thought. Experiments have shown that people from different cultures observe and think about the world very differently. Benjamin Worf (1956) believed that the language we speak influence our way of thinking. Worf used the linguistic relatively hypothesis well known as linguistic determinism to demonstrates his beliefs. Traditionally, the language American people speak has become an important factor in how male and female are being categorized. For example, in an experiment both men and women were asked to answer about occupations where they placed next to a doctor’s picture a woman or next to a secretary’s picture a man. In this test men and women did not respond quickly, because people’s thoughts are affected according their traditional way of thinking. Animals also have a system of communicating among their species that is called signs. However, numerous studies reveal that only seven animals have the capacity to identify some objects, colors, and numbers as humans do. These non-human species are chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, dolphins, elephants,