In the Chapter “Quieting the mind,” Lauren Slater explores an experiment by Leon Festinger which involved a group of people who thought the world was coming to an end on December 21, 1954. When it hit midnight nothing had changed. Festinger observed that follower’s people who believed they were protected by a god named Sananda what would happen? The followers just seemed to …show more content…
It has a positive effect considering people are starting to believe everything that they hear from other people. If the president said something that was not true the generation today would just agree with it and assume that it is true. In Source A, the chapter “Quieting the Mind” says, “We spend our lives paying attention only to information that is consonant with our beliefs, we surround ourselves with people who will support our beliefs, and we ignore contradictory information that might cause us to question what we have built”(121). That is why it can have a positive effect because we are always staying around to what we believe and nothing otherwise. If somebody believes in a specific religion they probably are not going to be going to a church that is of an opposite