Hannah Forkel
EDUC 206
Professor Davidson
Cognitive impairment occurs when problems with thought processes occur. It can include loss of higher reasoning, forgetfulness, learning disabilities, concentration difficulties, decreased intelligence, and other reductions in mental functions. Cognitive impairment may be present at birth or can occur at any point in a person’s lifespan. An intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental function.
Under IDEA, “significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period, that adversely affects a child 's educational performance” (Department …show more content…
They first look at their mental ability such as their IQ. There are three measures for which a student can be classified in the IQ measure. First is mildly cognitive impaired which is between the 75-85 score. A mildly cognitive impaired student may not need as extensive of an accommodation. Next is the moderate scoring which is in the 55 to 70 score. This score falls in the middle and may need more assistance. The last and third category is the severe and moderate category which is anything below a 55. This student will need much more assistance than a student that is mildly cognitively impaired. The Center for Disease Control defines cognitive impairments among 8-year-old children by a score of 70 or below on an test of intellectual capability (2011). This wide range just proves how important it is to treat each student differently and to look at each case …show more content…
An adult should always treat the student with respect and approach the student with the appropriate questions, comments or concerns directly to the individual instead of assuming they cannot speak for themselves. Everyone deserves input in their education and life choices so this should always be taken into account. Some examples of appropriate accommodations would be first, ensuring the information is presented in a clear, concise manner. Second, when necessary, repeat information using different wording or a different communication approach. This would also require that appropriate time be given in order for all the information to be fully processed. As a teacher you can always ask questions to the student as you go in insure they are comfortable and understanding what you are discussing (National Inclusion Project, 2009). You never want to rush through important details and a student can tell if you are just rushing to be done or if you really want them to be successful. Third, break tasks into smaller parts in a certain order so they can be easily repeated and mimicked. This also allows the student time to ask questions. You also want to be very creative in how you give your assignments. If you have a student struggling with reading or if they cannot read, you can do tasks by color coating them, you can also record simple instructions for supplemental