Dementia is characterized by evidence of short term and long term memory impairment with impaired abstract thinking, impaired judgment, disturbances of higher cortical thinking, and personality changes. It is basically a progressive decline of cerebral utility such as logic, remembrance, language, problem solving, or concentration. This disease greatly harms the day by day performance of a person and is seen more in older people, however, is not a normal part of aging.
1.1. Aim The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the effects of dementia in older people and to suggest possible solutions for its prevention and treatment.
1.2. Objectives Primary objective of this research is to see how effective the …show more content…
One way of classification is according to parts of the brain being affected. Some frequently used classifications are as follows:
• Cortical dementia: This type of dementia damages the brain particularly affecting the brain's cortex, or outer layer. Problems such as memory, language, thinking, and social behavior results due to this disoder.
• Sub cortical dementia: It affects parts of the brain below the cortex and causes changes in emotions and movements along with damaging memory.
• Progressive dementia: It gets worse with the passage of time, thus interfering more and more with cognitive abilities.
• Primary dementia: This denotes to that form that does not result from any other disease such as AD.
• Secondary dementia: This type of dementia occurs due to some physical disease or injury.
• Treatable Dementia: About 10 percent of conditions that cause dementia are treatable. With treatment, the dementia can either be upturned or at least halted. Instances of conditions that cause treatable cases of dementia comprise of the following: Normal pressure hydrocephalus
A brain tumor or brain cancer
Vitamin B12 deficiency
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• Brain Scan Tests for Dementia
Brain scans are carried out to recognize strokes, tumors, or other problems that can result dementia. A brain scan may also demonstrate cortical atrophy (the progressive loss of neurons causes the ridges to become thinner and the sulci to grow wider), which is the deterioration of the brain's cortex (outer layer) and is frequent in many forms of dementia. Brain scans can also spot changes in the brain's organization and function that would propose Alzheimer's disease.
• Computed Tomography Scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The most general types of brain scans are computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A CT scan of the brain frequently suggested in a patient with suspected dementia. These scans, which use x-rays to detect brain structures, can show evidence of:
Brain atrophy
Strokes and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs)
Changes to the blood