Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Cognitive behavior therapy includes many types of therapy and can be applied in a variety of circumstances. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is most commonly known for use on clients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, DBT is becoming more popular and often used when working with adolescents. Some adolescents participate in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI). Counselors find DBT is an effective therapy to help youth acquire the coping skills needed to stop NSSI. A review of DBT, and adolescents suffering with NSSI will better help one to understand why this technique is beneficial. NonSuicidal Self-Injury
NSSI is defined as the direct and intentional destruction of one's own body tissue without an intent to die. Therefore, any form of self mutilation not intending to result in suicide qualifies as NSSI. The number of adolescents practicing NSSI is alarming. Youth practicing NSSI include both sexes and every racial and ethnic group. This alarming behavior is not secluded to any particular type of adolescent. NSSI often appears in the form of cutting with sharp objects, scratching, hitting, burning, and inserting objects under the skin. These behaviors typically develop between the ages of 12-14, indicating that adolescent years are particularly vulnerable to such practices. In addition to NSSI, these behaviors are often in conjunction with other self-harming behaviors like eating disorders, substance abuse, and depression. Puberty can be an extremely difficult time for many people and adolescents cannot reason and rationalize as adults can; therefore, youth often develop self-harming issues because they lack proper coping skills. Last, NSSI specifically refers to injuries not acquired while attempting suicide; however, 50-75% of those with a history of NSSI have also attempted suicide at least once. As one can see, NSSI is an
References: Choate, L. H. (2012, January). Counseling adolescents who engage in nonsuicidal self-injury: A dialectical behavior therapy approach.. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 34(1), 56-71. EBSCOhost.