Introduction The individual work is entitled “Cognitive Pragmatics: The mental processes of communication”. In the work we will touch upon the cognitive pragmatics and the mental processes of communication. We will analyze the states of communication regarding the different standpoints of the scientists, linguists and philosophers.
Our knowledge about pragmatics will be grounded according to Robyn Carston’s view point in “Linguistic Meaning, Communication Meaning and Cognitive Pragmatics”. In the book he states that pragmatics is a mental processing and is responsible for communication. Communication is not only sending and receiving information or a message but is a chain of processes which acts within any human being while communicating. We will observe the so called chain of mental states in Bara’s “Intercultural Pragmatics” and “The mental processes of communication”.
Thus we can conclude that the individual work is fundamentally based on revealing the interdependence of the mental states or processes of communication and cognitive pragmatics.
Cognitive Pragmatics: The mental processes of communication
Robyn Carston in his book “Linguistic Meaning, Communication Meaning and Cognitive Pragmatics” states that within the philosophy of language, pragmatics has tended to be seen as an adjunct to, and a means of solving problems in semantics. A cognitive-scientific conception of pragmatics as a mental processing system is responsible for interpreting ostensive communicative stimuli (specially, verbal utterances) has effected a transformation in the pragmatic issues pursued and the kinds of explanation offered. Taking
References: Bara, Bruno G., Cognitive Pragmatics: The mental processes of communication, 1949 Robyn Carston, Linguistic communication and the semantics-pragmatics distinction, 2008 ,Synthese 165 (3), 321-345 (Special issue on the Semantics/Pragmatics distinction) Hans Schmid, Cognitive Pragmatics, Vol.4, 2012 U.T. Place, Is Consciousness a Brain Process? Network sources: