What is Psychology, one might ask. According to Douglas Bernstein's The Essentials of Psychology, Psychology is the science that seeks to understand behavior and mental processes and to apply that understanding in the service of human welfare. Psychology also has different types of sub fields, that can overlap. A sub field that I find very interesting is cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology is a very interesting sub field of psychology. Cognitive psychology is the study of basic mental processes such as sensation and perception, learning and memory, judgment, decision making, and problem solving. The term cognitive psychology was first used by American psychologist Ulric Neisser in his book, Cognitive Psychology. Ulric Gustav Neisser was a German-born, American psychologist and member of the National Academy of Sciences. Ulric Neisser is considered the father of cognitive psychology and an advocate for ecological approaches to cognitive research. With the publication of Cognitive Psychology , Neisser brought together research concerning perception, pattern recognition, attention, problem solving, and remembering. With his usual elegant prose, he emphasized both information processing and constructive processing. Neisser always described Cognitive Psychology as an assault on behaviorism. Cognition is controlled by the part of the brain that is called the cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up 85% of our brain weight, and is responsible for the way we perceive, think, learn, and memorize things. It is the most important part of the body, because it allows us to function in our everyday routine. In the past ten years we have learned more about cognition and the brain. Cognitive psychology has had many milestones thanks to the evolution of science.
What is Psychology, one might ask. According to Douglas Bernstein's The Essentials of Psychology, Psychology is the science that seeks to understand behavior and mental processes and to apply that understanding in the service of human welfare. Psychology also has different types of sub fields, that can overlap. A sub field that I find very interesting is cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology is a very interesting sub field of psychology. Cognitive psychology is the study of basic mental processes such as sensation and perception, learning and memory, judgment, decision making, and problem solving. The term cognitive psychology was first used by American psychologist Ulric Neisser in his book, Cognitive Psychology. Ulric Gustav Neisser was a German-born, American psychologist and member of the National Academy of Sciences. Ulric Neisser is considered the father of cognitive psychology and an advocate for ecological approaches to cognitive research. With the publication of Cognitive Psychology , Neisser brought together research concerning perception, pattern recognition, attention, problem solving, and remembering. With his usual elegant prose, he emphasized both information processing and constructive processing. Neisser always described Cognitive Psychology as an assault on behaviorism. Cognition is controlled by the part of the brain that is called the cerebrum. The cerebrum makes up 85% of our brain weight, and is responsible for the way we perceive, think, learn, and memorize things. It is the most important part of the body, because it allows us to function in our everyday routine. In the past ten years we have learned more about cognition and the brain. Cognitive psychology has had many milestones thanks to the evolution of science.