September 15, 2013
People Who Are Destroying America Analysis
The Colbert Report made a parody about the small city of Vicco. More importantly, the parody focused on making a joke of the mayor of Vicco (Johnny Cummings) who fought to pass a fairness ordinance on LGBT discrimination. This ordinance would give lesbians, gays, bi-sexual, and transgender citizens the protection from being denied of jobs, housing, and fair treatment. The ordinance was indeed passed, and became the smallest town in America to pass something of this sort. The mayor, being an openly gay individual, was the main focus of Mr. Colbert’s jokes, as well as other fellow citizens of the city of Vicco. The parody also showed the other citizens opinions of the ordinance. Most of the people of Vicco agreed with Mr. Cummings, and wanted to pass this ordinance; but some, such as the local pastor, Truman Hurt, strongly disagreed with this ordinance. “We should be able to fire them, deny them service, or deny them help.” declared Truman. He did not agree with gay people’s lifestyles, and he did not want them to give them the protection that this ordinance would give them if passed. Mr. Colbert’s claim is that the mayor of this town is trying to make Vicco better by making it “gayer”, which he does not agree with. Where as the majority of the people of Vicco are open minded to the situation, and see no problem with it at all. Mr. Colbert claim’s that by Johnny Cummings fight for less discrimination of LGBT people, he is destroying America. It seems as if Mr. Colbert does not want this to spread to other cities, but the mayor of this town does. They are on opposite sides of the spectrum, defending opposing opinions. The Colbert Report’s parody was persuasive, to an extent. The video seemed very one-sided and biased towards the people whose morals did not coincide with the ordinance. The video was pleasing to this audience but not to the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender