Many things in the world fascinate me, but the most amazing of them all is that we as a species can spend thousands of years learning about the world we inhabit and still know so little.
To some this may seem frightening or overwhelming but it shouldn’t be viewed with fear. It is instead an aspect of our world that should evoke awe in all of us. There’s so much to learn about and discover in the world, about the other organisms that live here with us, about the way things work and even about ourselves. Thousands of years of study in addition to the thousands already present could take place and there would still be so much to learn. The advancement of ourselves through education and research both answers and creates question and I believe it’s astounding that so much can still be learned about all of the things in the world. There are many things in the world which can be researched and have already been researched, yet there is still somehow an abundance of information which we can still learn about. Learning in itself is such a never ending activity and that is truly
In addition to all of the reverential aspects of research itself, is the fact that conducting research is a way in which one can contribute to society. I can’t exactly explain my desire to so, but I made the decision a few years ago while considering what I would do with my life. It seems to me that the most important thing that anyone in this world could do with their time here is to give to society in some way, but this sort of contribution should not be done arbitrarily without any feeling. The act of giving back is just as important as getting something out of that contribution yourself. Which is why I feel an inclination towards research, by conducting research later in my life I can do what fills me with joy while also giving something to the rest of society.
At this point in my life the research which I have been able to take part in is unfortunately limited but I can truly say that I have enjoyed it immensely, this year I got the chance to take a class solely about writing a research paper and decided to do mine on the importance that religion has now and may or may not have later on in the development of human society. As well as a field study in an environmental management class that centered around regularly conducted controlled burns and the benefits of these on an environment.