I regained my confidence, when I saw my best friends cheering wildly for me, from the crammed bleachers, full of chlorine soaked bags, tired swimmers, and not to mention, food, lots of food. The thought of food floode my mind, and I could taste the lingering of the sweet savory flavor of the Brugers bagel I had gotte earlier that morning from across the street. The sharp piercing noise of the 3 whistles from the official interrupted my thought. Stepping onto the scratchy blocks, I got a whiff of the thick essence of the chemical that now runs through my bloodstream, and from a distance I could hear sobbing. I knew that feeling, the feeling of defeat, utter embarrassment, and humiliation. Focusing back onto my fierce competitor, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to clear my racing
I regained my confidence, when I saw my best friends cheering wildly for me, from the crammed bleachers, full of chlorine soaked bags, tired swimmers, and not to mention, food, lots of food. The thought of food floode my mind, and I could taste the lingering of the sweet savory flavor of the Brugers bagel I had gotte earlier that morning from across the street. The sharp piercing noise of the 3 whistles from the official interrupted my thought. Stepping onto the scratchy blocks, I got a whiff of the thick essence of the chemical that now runs through my bloodstream, and from a distance I could hear sobbing. I knew that feeling, the feeling of defeat, utter embarrassment, and humiliation. Focusing back onto my fierce competitor, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to clear my racing