First,college graduates are able to get higher paying jobs than high school graduates.A high school education cannot be compared to the benefits of a compared to a college education and its benefits.In the text Why is College Impoortant?it states, “On average, a person with a four-year college degree
earns twice as much money as a person who graduated from high school but did not attend college.”(No Author 1) College is also important to help leaad a healtthierr lifestyle.You end up eating and being healthier than you would if you did not go to college.
Second,college can introduce you to different points of view that can help you in the future. You meet different people and learn to communicate.In The Case for College the speaker says,”If you go to a residential college, your roommate might be from Texarkana, or Toledo, or Taipei. Inside and outside the classroom, you will encounter new points of view—in conversations after a class, on a playing field, or in a study marathon in a crowded dorm room.” You meet new people and understand things that can help you in the future.
Some people may say that you don’t need college to get a job.That is false even McDonald’s is now starting to enforce that all managers have a college degree.Even low paying jobs are starting to require some sort of education.
In conclusion a college education is important because it makes you a better person mentally,both from an educational and behavioral standpoint.You are also more likely to get a job to help provide for your family and yourself.