Bruni’s most transformative educational experience came from a class with no practical application to his life; however, while society and those in power may say those types of classes are not needed, Bruni states that they are essential to people in order to create a more thoughtful and aware being. While reading this essay it enlightened me on the value on classes we are made to take, not just liberal art ones. Just because a class is not required in your pursuit for a selected major or is required to be taken by the universities curriculum does not mean it has no value. No college would force a course onto students for no reason, it gives the student a bigger view of the world around them by teaching general education. Bruni discusses liberal arts saying (specifically about his Shakespeare college course) “…it was also the steppingstone to a more aware, thoughtful existence. College was the quarry where I found it.” This not only applies to liberal arts but for all courses taking in college, these courses help develop you to gain that …show more content…
A big portion of my life I was a very secluded and quiet kid from middle school into freshman year of college. Being put in a class where all your assignments, quizzes, and tests were all based on your ability to speak to others sounded like a nightmare to me. Lesson after lesson I learned how to avoid plagiarism, the multiple parts of a speech, and even how to avoid speech anxiety. When it was my designated day to speak, even with all the information taught, it was the worst speech given that day due to how timid I was talking. As the days went hearing other people give their first speech helped me to understand something, that I was not alone. There were others in the class that were as bad or worse than I was at delivering speeches. After the initial speech my confidence for myself grew as I prepared for the speeches throughout the